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Tags: Show All, executive education, online education

Warum sich immer weniger Studenten für einen MBA entscheiden

27 September 2019

Lange galt der MBA als Goldstandard unter den akademischen Titeln für Manager. Doch für viele Studenten sind Master- und Spezialstudiengänge heute viel attraktiver.

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EMBA Vs Short Courses: What Is The Future For Executive Education?

20 September 2019

The EMBA has long been a popular program for experienced professionals, but some experts say it's time to look towards a new model of executive education

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MBA-Studium: Finanzen sind wichtigster Inhalt

15 July 2019

Die letzten sechs Jahre waren Leadership und Strategie für potentielle Studenten die wichtigsten akademischen Inhalte im MBA-Studium.

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An executive education start up is aiming for unicorn status

15 July 2019

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Así compiten entre ellas las escuelas de negocios

13 June 2019

La formación evoluciona rápidamente y el gran reto de las escuelas de negocios es la actualización en un escenario de gran competencia.

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Formazione: ecco le migliori business school d'Europa

03 June 2019

Sda Bocconi school of management conquista il quarto posto nel ranking executive educational 2019, pubblicato dal Financial Times, in merito alla qualità delle materie insegnate.

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How can we measure the impact of executive education?

03 June 2019

Business schools and firms are keen to measure the value of custom courses.

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What Next For Executive Education?

03 June 2019

The ‘cash cow’ of business schools looks likely to flourish as skills become outdated more quickly and companies seek to increase diversity in the boardroom.

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How business schools compete in a disrupted market

02 June 2019

Schools that can keep their courses fresh and relevant to the digital economy can survive and thrive.

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5 MBA Specializations You Should Consider For 2019

13 May 2019

We look at the industries that are booming this year, and which MBA specializations can help set you on the right track.

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