
We are pioneers when it comes to market insights about business education.

Our long-standing, regular reports on The Business of Branding, Tomorrow’s MBA, Tomorrow’s Masters and Alumni Matters have become a blueprint for schools who want to manage change using data to drive insights with their key audiences. Add in reports such as The Future of Lifelong and Executive Education and See the Future and CarringtonCrisp provide a breadth of independent insights into the ever-changing business education landscape.

Subscribe to our four annual studies and your school will benefit from global reports examining best practice and market trends, alongside a confidential local report based with recommendations for your school. Participation in individual studies starts at £2,500 (+VAT where applicable), while a subscription to all four studies costs just £5,995 (+VAT where applicable).

Our annual reports provide more than data on the future of business education, they deliver insight based on market understanding.  

Bringing data to life is key – adding context, sprinkling experience and wrapping it in analysis – that’s what makes data meaningful. 

Our experience and knowledge of the business education landscape ensure all our reports provide comprehensive and reliable data for business schools to action for their future success.

In addition to the five annual studies, CarringtonCrisp also runs a number of further studies at certain times.

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