
Launched in 2008, the GenerationWeb study has examined the behaviour of more than 3,000 students and gathered best practice across nearly 200 business school websites, helping schools to understand how students engage digitally, answering questions such as:

  • What does it take to deliver effective digital marketing?
  • What do prospective students want and expect from your website?
  • What makes students stick on your site - design, content, navigation or something else? 
  • Are students simply swiping away to a competitor site?
  • And how is your social media presence responding to today’s student?

The latest study, published in association with EFMD, found that after course information, rankings, accommodation, career services and open days are the most sought content on a school website. Prospective students want to know about the whole student experience, the academic study, life at business school and what outcomes they can expect. And first contact with a business school website for a majority of students (62%) is likely to be on their smartphone. 



Target Audiences: current undergraduates and postgraduates

Timeline: Currently not running

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