The AI Generation: Transforming Lifelong and Executive Education

27 May 2024

There can be no question that AI's influence on higher education is already significant – presenting opportunities and challenges to those tasked with shaping the future of corporate learning and development. Anant Upadhyay digs into some of the findings on AI from our latest report, 'The Future of Lifelong and Executive Education'.


AI's potential to revolutionize how learning is delivered and consumed is well documented. It can create personalized learning experiences, tailor courses to meet individual needs and lead career aspirations. Learning experience platforms powered by AI will enable learners to craft their own educational journeys, making the most of the opportunities available to them, ensuring learners receive the most relevant and impactful education possible.

For employers, AI offers the ability to significantly enhance the learning and development of their staff. Looking at data from our latest study on the Future of Lifelong and Executive Education, 78% of employers agree that AI-generated content will be integral to their training programs, and an equal percentage believe that AI tools will maximize the impact of their learning initiatives. Additionally, 74% of employers see AI-powered platforms as key to personalizing the learning experience for their employees.

Learners appear to share a similar outlook. 74% of learners expect to use AI-generated content in their learning and development, and 76% believe AI tools will enhance their learning experience. Furthermore, 71% anticipate that AI-powered platforms will help personalize their studies by creating study materials or providing instant feedback on assignments.

Challenges and Concerns

Despite this, employers recognise that the implementation of AI in learning and development is not without hurdles. One challenge is the allocation of AI resources within organizations. 64% acknowledge that their AI efforts are primarily focused on areas other than learning and development. The creative aspects of instructional design pose another obstacle; 59% of employers and 61% of learners agree that AI cannot yet replicate the creativity needed for high-quality educational content.

Data availability is another critical issue. Over half of the employers (57%) indicate that their organizations lack the necessary data on employee skills and corporate needs to fully leverage AI's capabilities.

Learners have also expressed concerns regarding the current capabilities of AI. More than half (54%) feel that AI is not yet sophisticated enough to provide valuable support, and a significant 76% want AI-generated content to be clearly labeled. These concerns highlight the need for continued development and transparency in AI tools used in education.

The Road Ahead

The potential for AI to impact provision in lifelong and executive education is clearly recognised, but roll-out requires careful consideration and strategic planning. Employers must integrate AI into their broader development strategies, ensuring they have the resources and clear objectives needed to implement AI effectively.

AI will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of learning, but it's essential to remember that it's not the only technological advancement to watch. Educators must not forget the people, whether that’s the learners or the teachers.  

While AI represents a potentially transformative force in education, its successful integration will depend on addressing existing challenges and aligning AI initiatives with comprehensive learning and development goals. By doing so, both employers and learners can fully harness the potential of AI, driving forward the future of education.


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