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The challenge of being different

25 March 2024

Andrew Crisp considers a growing challenge for business school marcoms professionals, being different.

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2024 FT Global MBA rankings: The bigger they are the further they fall....

20 February 2024

So the FT MBA ranking came out last week and. . . . . . . ok, I'm going to say it. It’s crazy.

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Maybe absence doesn’t make the heart grow fonder, but online does

16 February 2024

Andrew Crisp considers how COVID and the online response may have strengthened alumni relationships for recent graduates

For alumni, distance will always be a factor.

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Small is beautiful; pushing for innovation at your school

22 December 2023

Claudia Monteiro reflects on how small innovations can have a big impact for business schools

November was, as ever, a month rich in colleagues coming together at conferences and plenty of...

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The challenge of making learning accessible, anywhere and for all

22 December 2023

Ahead of CarringtonCrisp's new report on the future of lifelong and executive education in early 2024, Elena Liquete looks at the shifting learning landscape and some of the challenges facing...

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Studying business as if people and planet matter

21 December 2023

Andrew Crisp draws on data from the soon to be published Tomorrow’s MBA study as sustainability becomes a core activity for business schools.

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GBSN Beyond 2023: Building an MBA that works for the new world

30 November 2023

Ian Hawkings writes about a trip to Cairo and looking forward rather than admiring the past.

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The career connection for better alumni relations

30 November 2023

Andrew Crisp examines data from this year’s Alumni Matters study that highlights the role of careers in driving better alumni relations.

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Making the most of AI in Higher Education

30 November 2023

Oliver Matthews, former CMO at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, examines what AI means for higher education and how to embrace its positives.

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Great Scott(sdale). Not this agAIn...

25 October 2023

Ian Hawkings examines the potential for AI to revolutionise the delivery of business education


Firstly, apologies for the rather convoluted title.

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“With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility” – Business Schools must help fix our world

24 October 2023

Daniel Traça, Former Dean of the Nova School of Business and Economics writes about the challenge of change and the new agenda needed in business education


The demands falling upon CEOs...

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