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Tags: Show All, FutureOfWork, BusinessEducation, MBA, Branding, Masters in Management, Marketing, Digital, #covid, #seethefuture, pandemic, 20th Anniversary

RIP WhichMBA? But will it be missed?

28 July 2022

Ian Hawkings crunches the events that culminated with The Economist dropping its MBA rankings.

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Scaling the new Chinese Wall means understanding the data

21 June 2022

Ian Hawkings reflects on a new tool that lists which universities are doing well in China's social media.

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Is there a right price for business education?

21 June 2022

Andrew Crisp considers the impact that price has on decisions about business education.

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The Journey of an International Student

21 June 2022

Anant Upadhyay, who has recently joined CarringtonCrisp as an intern, tells his story of becoming an international student in the middle of the pandemic.

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How do you engineer creativity in the classroom?

21 June 2022

Fresh from US-based women academic network conference WiBE, Claudia Monteiro reflects on the power of creativity in the classroom.

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FT | Postgraduate business candidates want to learn about technology and data, says CarringtonCrisp report

10 May 2022

Before Covid, few would have chosen to study for a business masters degree online. Now, few would not complete at least part of their studies online.

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Does your business school ‘own’ the metaverse?

29 April 2022

Ian Hawkings shares the conversation at this year's AACSB International Conference and Annual Meeting (ICAM).

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Developing online programs in a business school: framing the “make-or-buy” decision

27 April 2022

Nick Barniville, founder of the EdTech Lab at ESMT Berlin, asks what’s the right way forward for a business school to develop an online offer.

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When is a business school a computer science school?

27 April 2022

Andrew Crisp examines some of the key findings in this year’s Tomorrow’s Masters degree.

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Online, career support, creativity and ethical leadership are all part of the recipe to get more women studying MBAs

05 April 2022

Andrew Crisp delves into the data from CarringtonCrisp’s most recent study of prospective MBAs, Tomorrow’s MBAFor years, business schools have struggled to get a better gender balance on their MBA...

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Together is Better When You Want To Build The Future

04 April 2022

With conference season upon us, Ian Hawkings looks ahead at AACSB ICAM 2022.

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