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Tales from the Lockdown #1: a conversation with Kai Peters, Coventry University

27 April 2020

‘It’s like we’re running a family – albeit a rather large one!’ In this series of conversations our guests talk to Senior Consultant Claudia Monteiro about what they're learning during the pandemic. 

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Stack the odds in favour of students

24 April 2020

Business schools have often done well in past recessions, but will have to innovate to be certain of the same outcome this time, writes Andrew Crisp.

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A new world of work means a new world for business schools

22 April 2020

In the second of our See the Future blogs, Ian Hawkings, Senior Consultant at CarringtonCrisp, tackles trends in the world of work.

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Time to think about business unusual

15 April 2020

A few years ago, CarringtonCrisp did some work for ALBA Graduate Business School in Athens and at the time they gave me a luggage tag, which has been on my rucksack ever since, with the words ‘Busines...

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What future for the MBA?

27 February 2020

Stories still persist about the decline of the MBA, but the demand for postgraduate and lifelong learning will only grow in coming years as people have to reskill and upskill to build their careers.

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What's next for the business school website?

19 December 2019

In just 12 years, business school websites have transitioned from poorly thought through marketing tools which often neglected what core audiences wanted to integral digital marketing tools, but the j...

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A new generation of leaders?

09 December 2019

In the testing year of 2018, GMAC found that 34.3% of its GMAT test takers used their results to apply for a business Masters.

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What’s driving the future of business education?

14 November 2019

Whether it was Niels Bohr, Yogi Berra or someone else who first said ‘It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future’, they could have been speaking about business education...

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Where in the world would you study and why?

15 October 2019

International competition has exploded with business schools across the globe seeking to recruit internationally, technology has brought new competitors to the market delivering to students anywhere, ...

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Learn to love uncertainty to grow the MBA of the future

27 May 2019

For those in the MBA marketplace, learning to love uncertainty has become something of a requirement and is a focus of the newly released Tomorrow’s MBA report from CarringtonCrisp and...

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A new shape for business education?

18 March 2019

That business education is changing is not news, the question is how, for whom and why? A new report from the Chartered Association of Business Schools in the UK, (with research...

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